Saturday, November 10, 2018

Wasting plenty of time

So - did another attempt of thinking that these samsung tablets might be possible to do music creating on. They are not quite there yet. They lag pretty bad. I don't think I am running an excessive amount of application or asking too much. I just want some dirty basic beats and synths. I hate that I have to go out to the workshop to work on any music stuff. So cold out there :(

Well, one thing I know these samsung tablets can do - edit text. Yay.

Better than nothing I guess .

Saturday - no plans

Ah. This is fantastic.

I have all day today and tomorrow I think. No deadlines, no tests I need to do. Nothing!

Maybe I will relax a little and play some guitar? There is a world of possibilities.

T minus 2 weeks until immerision for the MBA program. I think I am prepared. I've got the new bag, my laptop is in workable condition all accounts are set up. I am feeling pretty prepared. I even got some sweet AirBNB's near where class will be each day, so I don't have to stress about getting to the class site on time each day.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Just in th nick of time

Fitting in a quick blog session on a weekday morning is tough. It's always so GOGOGOGO in the mornings here. I appreciate the times when I can chill out for 10 minutes playing zelda , or typing up a little blog post. Things are only going to get more hectic once school officially launches. Those 18 months are going to be innnnnsssaaannneeee.

I am sufficiently geared up though, I think. I will be able to type pretty well on both my work laptop and also my macbook pro. I was debating whether I need a new mac for grad school, and really it's only a weight thing. I dont carry my bag any farther than from my car to work, so I don't think it's that important. Carrying 2 laptops kinda does suck, but so does my work laptop. Maybe Philips will let me get a mac if I hold an MBA?

I shouldn't put the cart in front of the horse.