Last night's attempts to get the gui working through a SSH didn't go so well.
I can totally access my linux box, but I keep geting Xauth errors when I try to invoke x11 forwarding to
the screen I am accessing the computer from. I am sure there must be some totally simple thing that I
missing that would make it happen no problem.
In other news, I downloaded a different terminal emulator to work with, iterm2. It goes into a nice full
screen mode, which is nice for writing, and pushing out all distractions. I want to try to find some good
text-only sites with articles or academic papers I can read. There has to be something on some college's
servers, right? There has to be!!
I still haven't figured out what I want to do with all this command line silliness. It's not like I
want to suddenly become a programmer. I am far off from that, I don't even think I can begin to have
the tools to be effective with that. I just think it's super funky to bring my computer back in time with
me a good 20 years. It's back where I should have been paying attention. ha.
Blah. Guess I should get off my ass and do some yard work. Happy webbing everyone!
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